Bill Rohn has been an avid amateur photographer for over 40 years. He started in the glory days of film shooting black & white images on a Minolta X-700 manual focus 35 mm camera. After retiring as a senior executive in the Pharmaceutical and Biotech industry in 2005, he made the switch to digital photography using a variety of camera systems including Nikon, Fuji and Sony. Today he is drifting back to shooting a lot of film using medium format cameras from the 1980’s and 1990’s. One of his favorite cameras is a 70+ year old Rolleiflex Twin Lens Reflex camera which yields 6cm by 6cm square negative images on 120 roll film. Although film is a throw-back medium, it now involves little time in the darkroom as developed film negatives are converted to a digital file format on scanners and post-processed by using Photoshop and Lightroom on a desktop computer. Most of the images on this web site are digital. More recent work using film will be added in the future.